
‘Far away and on the road again. It is quite early in the morning. Fresh and peaceful air surrounding us on this bumpy ride taking me to the destination to shoot.
Observing this sublime nature passing on my side, the sound of a random radio channel breaking the silence in the car. The day begins. I will soon meet child soldiers, mothers, Ebola survivors and many dreams…
Dreams. What is my dream?’
1984 (Perpignan, France) born Vincent asked this to himself to define his own journey. After graduating from International Business Law (University of Toulouse in France), he was expected to become a lawyer. To pass the bar exam or to follow his dream was the crossroad in front of him. On the way to his bar examination, he made his choice and decided to take the way that lead him to work for human causes today.
Since 2014, Vincent is devoted to his camera. As an independent photographer, he documents several humanitarian crises across the globe. Being operational on commissioned assignments with United Nations agencies such as UNICEF, UN Refugees Agency, the United Nations Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs and the World Bank, Vincent’s artwork has been published in a wide range of international media such as National Geographic, CNN, BBC, The Guardian and Le Monde.
Encountering intense anecdotes in remote places and witnessing the children’s struggles to access education, Vincent established « One Day, I Will » project on youth in November 2014. By pairing powerful photography with storytelling, this project demonstrates the challenges faced by children and teenagers across the globe. « One Day, I Will » strives to flash on young people’s personal aspirations and unwavering ambition – even in the wake of difficulty or disaster.
« One Day, I Will » project has been exhibited around the world in New York, Washington DC, London, Geneva, Tokyo, Dakar`- to name a few.
After carrying his photo studio for 6 years around the world to portray children dressed up as their dreams, in 2020 Vincent placed his
photo studio more permanently in Dakar due to COVID-19.
Driven by his will to adapt and create, less mobility introduced more solutions and in 2020 Vincent initiated a new project called Studio Humanity.
Studio Humanity is a creative team of highly skilled graphic designers, video producers, photographers and copywriters, producing
multimedia content for the humanitarian fields. In 2022, a European office was registered in Estonia, aiming at developing in other regions.
When Vincent puts his camera aside, he writes and he plays his guitar. He composes various forms of art such as making collages with materials from all around the world and diversely explores his « Coffee Prophecy » art project. And one little detail about Vincent is hidden in the kitchen. Discovering the traces of his multi-cultural family heritage through connecting with his grandfather's and grandmother's recipes that remind him of his roots deeply inspire his senses.